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CymraegAccessibility Options

insport Series events provide inclusive sport and physical activity opportunities for disabled adults and young people across Wales.

Next event(s):

insport Series x Whizz-Kidz: LlanelliLlanelli Leisure Centre
VI insport Series: SwanseaSwansea
Wheelchair users play wheelchair rugby at insport Series: Swansea

Inclusive Activity Resources for Teachers

insport Series: EducationActivities for schools available from October 1 2021

Developed in partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University, Welsh Gymnastics, Welsh Athletics, Urdd and Badminton Wales

Disability Sport Wales' Community Partner: SPAR UK and AF Blackmore.

insport Series events are delivered with the support of Disability Sport Wales' Community Partner: SPAR UK and AF Blakemore & Son Ltd.

Find your nearest SPAR

SPAR Home Delivery Service

SPAR's home delivery service enables you to order snacks, drinks, sweets, fruit & vegetables, household and cleaning products, plus many more of your favourite essentials which you can now get without having to leave the comfort of your home.

SPAR's home delivery service